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How to apply for a Further Advance, Port and Transfer of Equity

You can now apply for a Port, Further Advance, Transfer of Equity or any combination of these on behalf of your client. This includes both residential and BTL customers. In order to do this, you will need to follow the steps below:

You will need to be registered with The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries and have an active account with us, which we will need to check in order to be able to progress your request. You will need to use the email address you have already registered with The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries throughout the process as your contact email address.

1. Submit a 'Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find' form to request your client's current mortgage information

Using the 'Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find' button below, submit a request for your client's mortgage information. Upon receipt of your request, we'll check you're registered with The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries and then send you the information you need along with the link to request a Mortgage Illustration.

2. Request a Mortgage Illustration

As part of step 1 above, we will email you all the information you need and a link to request a Mortgage Illustration. We will then aim to send this back to you within 3 business days (not including the date of submission). You should only request one illustration request for the variation that you are recommending.

3. Submit a full application

When we email your client's Mortgage Illustration back to you, we will also include a secure link to our full application form. This can be completed after you have completed your advice and recommendation with your client.

The following information provides more detail for each stage of the process.

Please note, due to the relevant provisions you have already signed up to in the Intermediary Terms of Business (clauses 5.8, 6.7 and 6.9), it is your obligation to:

  • Provide consent to the Bank on behalf of your client regarding the way in which data and information will be sent between yourself and the Bank as the lender by completion of the Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find form;
  • Capture the relevant application details and information from the customer;
  • Complete the Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find, Mortgage Illustration request and application form on the customer’s behalf with their agreement;
  • Ensure all information submitted to us is correct and accurate;
  • Check the completeness and accuracy of the information provided (ensuring that the customer has read and approved all of this);
  • Please note application rules for 'withdrawn products'. If you receive an illustration for a product that has been withdrawn due to a recent 'product launch', the withdrawn product will be honoured for 5 working days following the return of the illustration. A completed Application Form must be returned within 5 working days from receipt of the Illustration to qualify for a withdrawn product.

Before applying

When it comes to beginning the process to apply for a Further Advance, Port or Transfer of Equity on behalf of your client please ensure you have completed the following checks:

  • Check your client's affordability using our Affordability Calculator
  • Review our Eligibility Criteria to make sure your client is eligible to apply
  • Not all Co-operative Bank customers will be eligible for a Port, Additional Loan or Transfer of Equity (ToE). If your client has their original mortgage offer documentation, this will confirm if a customer is eligible for a Port or Additional Loan. Alternatively, if you progress with the 'Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find' step of the Broker Variation Process, an eligibility check will be completed for you, which will include a ToE eligibility check.
  • If your client’s current product is approaching maturity and they would like to do a Product Transfer in addition to a Port, Additional Loan, or Transfer of Equity, please advise them to contact us direct.
  • Please ensure you are using a compatible browser when completing the Mortgage Illustration Request or the full application after giving advice. Internet Explorer 11 is not a supported browser so please use an alternative.
  • When completing the Mortgage Illustration Request or full application after giving advice, we recommend using a Desktop or Laptop device. For the best user experience, please avoid using a Mobile device.
  • You will receive a copy of your completed Application Form by email following submission which will be password protected. The password is held by your BDM. Please contact your BDM before your first submission to obtain this password.

Supporting documents

When you get to step 3, you will need to submit all of the required supporting documents as well as the completed application form. This can all be done within the form. We cannot begin to process your application until we have all of the required supporting documents to go with the application. You can click here to see the checklist of documents that are required to be submitted along with your application.

If your client’s Direct Debit details are changing, you will need to ask your client to complete a signed Direct Debit Mandate, which you will need to submit along with your full application and any other supporting documents. We cannot begin to process your application until we have all of the required supporting documents to go with the application.

The application form will time-out after 30 minutes of inactivity, after which point you will need to start the application again, so please ensure you have all the required information with you, including a signed Direct Debit Mandate (only if this is changing), before you start the application.

Acceptable file types for supporting documents are JPG and JPEG, PNG, PDF, DOC and DOCX (Microsoft Word), TXT, PPT. We are unable to accept Excel documents.

Step 1 – 'Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find' of your client's current mortgage information

Before you can submit a Mortgage Illustration request, you will need to request up-to-date pieces of information regarding your client's current mortgage, e.g. outstanding balance, term and product. You can do this using the 'Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find' form accessed in the button below and requesting any information you need regarding your client's current mortgage. This form will also allow you to confirm you have the full consent of your client to act on their behalf, including the way in which we will share information with you, as well as any other obligations you may have. This is in addition to our Terms of Business for Intermediaries which you will have already signed up to when joining The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries Panel.

Before contacting us for information, you will need to be fully FCA registered and on the The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries Panel. The email address that you use and provide needs to be the exact email address for you that is registered with The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries.

Once the 'Mortgage Declaration and Fact Find' form has been submitted and we have completed our checks, we will then email the information back to your provided email address. For information security purposes, only the specific pieces of information that you have requested will be emailed back to you, before you submit a full Mortgage Illustration request to us.

Please note, the Mortgage Illustration Request Form is not available publicly on our website. When we email the above 'Fact Find' information back to you, we will also include a secure link to our online Mortgage Illustration Request Form.

Step 2 - Requesting a Mortgage Illustration

Once you have all the information you need back from us, as well as the secure link to the Mortgage Illustration Request Form, you will need to click on the link to complete the form and formally request a Mortgage Illustration from us, which we will produce and email back to you at the email address you have provided.

Once you have clicked on the link and accessed our Mortgage Illustration Request Form, you will see that the form will reflect the type of transaction you wish to apply for, e.g. port or standalone further advance. Please note that every field must be populated before the form can be submitted. Please use the 'hover notes' in each field to ensure all fields are populated correctly. Once you have submitted your Mortgage Illustration Request Form, you cannot return to it to make any changes – you will need to contact us directly for this. Or alternatively, you can submit another separate request if needed.

Once the Mortgage Illustration request has been submitted, you will receive an immediate notification from us that the Mortgage Illustration request has been submitted successfully. You will need to ensure that the Mortgage Illustration we send back to you is accurate and in accordance with your request. Please note, we will aim to email the Mortgage Illustration back to you within 3 business days of your Mortgage Illustration request being submitted to us. The Mortgage Illustration will be personalised to your client as per details provided by you as part of your Mortgage Illustration Request Form.

For data security, when we email the Mortgage Illustration back to you, it will be in encrypted PDF format and password protected. We will also include a secure link in the email to the full application form so you can submit an application on behalf of your client.

Step 3 – Submitting your full application

Once you have received the Mortgage Illustration that we have emailed back to you, and completed your advice and recommendation with your client, you will be able to complete a full application using our application form. The Mortgage Illustration that we email back to you will also include a secure link to our full application form, as this is not publicly available on our website.

If your client requires additional borrowing, please ensure you select a product from our Additional Borrowing guides and not New Business guides. The product applied for should match the product at the Illustration Request stage.

The application form will reflect the type of transaction you wish to apply for on behalf of your client, e.g. port or standalone further advance. Please note that every field must be populated before the form can be submitted. Please use the 'hover notes' in each field to ensure all fields are populated correctly. The application form will time-out after 30 minutes of inactivity, after which point you will need to start the application again, so please ensure you have all the required information with you, including a signed Direct Debit Mandate (only if this is changing) before you start the application.

Please note, that you will also be able to provide any supporting documents, e.g. payslips, with this form and the submission of the full application. The application form will not allow you to submit until every field has been completed, including the Declaration tick box and your e-signature at the end of the form.

Due to the relevant provisions you have already signed up to in the Terms of Business for Intermediaries (clauses 5.8, 6.7 and 6.9), as well as the signed Broker Lending Variation Declaration Form you are required to provide under 'step 1', we do not need any form of wet signature from you or your client as part of this online application submission.

Please be aware that we cannot commence processing the application until we have received all required information and supporting documents. You can see our supporting document checklist here. If your client’s Direct Debit details are changing, you will need to ask your client to complete a signed Direct Debit Mandate, which you can submit along with your full application and any other supporting documents. We cannot begin to process your application until we have all of the required supporting documents to go with the application.

All SLAs including application to offer timescales can be found below.

If any fees are required to be paid, we will contact your client shortly after we have received the application to take payment for these fees.

Wet signatures

Please note, due to the relevant provisions you have already signed up to in the Terms of Business for Intermediaries (clauses 5.8, 6.7 and 6.9), it is incumbent upon you to:

  • Provide consent to the Bank on behalf of your client regarding the way in which data and information will be sent between yourself and the Bank as the lender;
  • Capture the relevant application details and information from the customer;
  • Complete the Fact Find, Mortgage Illustration request and application form on the customer’s behalf with their agreement;
  • Ensure all information submitted to us is correct and accurate;
  • Check the completeness and accuracy of the information provided (ensuring that the customer has read and approved all of this).

On this basis, and in addition to the signed Broker Lending Variation Declaration Form you are required to provide under 'step 1', we do not need a wet signature from you or your client as part of the online application submission, and you can provide an electronic signature within the application form.

A wet signature is not needed from you or your client for the 'Credit Search Authority' because we would have gained your confirmation/customer consents with your signed Broker Lending Variation Declaration Form as part of step 1.

A Direct Debit Mandate form is not required if you have ticked the box within the full application form to confirm that your client’s direct debit details are not changing. As these are existing customers, the Bank already has these details and your client will already be paying the monthly mortgage payment from the same account. However, if you indicate within the electronic application form that your client’s Direct Debit details are to be changed, a Direct Debit Mandate form will need to be provided by you, with a wet signature from your client. This can be downloaded from our Literature page.


1. Submit a ‘Fact Find’ request of your client’s current mortgage information
We will aim to return this within 5 business days after the day of receipt

2. Submit a full Mortgage Illustration request to us
We will aim to return this within 3 business days after the day of receipt

3. Submit a full application to us
We will aim to send an Offer to you and your client within 30 calendar days of receipt of the full application.

Contacting us

  • Please do not use the mailboxes for general queries and progress updates.
  • Please use the Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries website and FAQs to assist you with any queries you may have, including process, products and documents.
  • If you have not submitted a request for a Fact Find/Mortgage Illustration/Full Application and have general queries about the process and documents, please initially contact your Business Development Manager or the Broker Support Team who will be able to assist you.
  • If you would like a progress update, regarding an already submitted application or request (Fact Find Request, Mortgage Illustration Request or Full Application) please call us on 03450701999 Option 5, Option 2. Please only contact us if your request has fallen outside of the above timescales.
  • If you require the Application Form password, please contact your Business Development Manager.
  • If you are experiencing issues saving the protected Application Form Document, please contact your internal IT Team for support.