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Application help

These hints and tips are designed to help make the application process as smooth as possible.

We also have a Broker Support team who are available to help you should you need their support; including further clarification on the documents we require for your client or any pre-application queries. You can reach them on 0345 070 1999, Option 1 (Call charges).

Requirements & helpful information


  • For applicant’s on maternity leave, please provide the 3 latest payslips & in addition to this the payslip prior to the maternity leave.
  • Confirmation of a return to work date, whether the applicant is returning on a full/part time basis and any anticipated childcare costs must be declared on the application form.
  • For employed applicant’s where the basic income fluctuates and is not indicative of a pay rise, please use the average over the last 3 months providing the year to date figure supports this monthly average.
  • Overtime must show on all payslips if required for affordability. This will be used at 50%.
  • Bonus if required for affordability must show on the payslip. This will be used at 50%.
  • If using a future pay rise (within 3 months) a letter from the employer confirming the new salary that is due within the next 3 months will be required.
  • Ensure deductions are factored into affordability i.e. Childcare costs, Student loans, attachment to earnings.
  • If the applicant’s payslips show a different company name, please provide clarity on the link.
  • Ensure all acceptable income is declared, in line with the income evidence provided.
  • Employment contracts that are dated within the last 12 months are an acceptable form of income evidence if payslips are not available.
  • Applicant’s paid in cash will not be accepted.
  • Handwritten payslips will not be accepted.
  • If the applicant’s latest payslip shows large amounts of sick pay and indicates that they are not currently working, clarification will be required around their plan to return to work.
  • For self-employed applicant’s, the last 2 years SA302’s & Tax Year Overviews figures must match.

Bank statements

  • We require a full month's bank statement (between 28-31 days) and dated within the last 2 months.
  • Must evidence salary credit/self employed credits.
  • Salary credit is in line with the payslip and salary credit narrative matches the declared employer.
  • If any other form of income is being used for affordability i.e. child tax credit, this must show on the bank statement.
  • Must show general day to day expenditure.
  • If statements are more than 1 page please ensure there are consecutive dates, page numbers and that balances/transactions flow correctly from 1 page to another.
  • Must show running balance.
  • Any regular standing orders/commitments to be clarified & factored in.
  • Declare all additional payments to be factored in for affordability i.e. maintenance, child care costs, ground rent.
  • Clarify any large or unusual transactions on the bank statements. For example: regular/unexplained cash deposits, regular/large gambling transactions, pay day loans. Payments received from third parties.
  • The address on the bank statements should match the applicant's declared current address. If it doesn’t, clarify the reason.
  • If a bank statement cannot be provided we cannot use this income in the application.

Source of deposit

  • Ensure the correct source is declared.
  • If part of the deposit is a gift, please ensure the Confirmation of Gifted Deposit form is submitted. If there are multiple gifts from different family members, a gift form from each is required.
  • If the source is savings and the statement provided shows large lump sums, please provide clarity.
  • If the source is from a property sale within the last 6 months provide details of the sale price and equity.
  • When all or part of the deposit is from inheritance, bank statements showing the inheritance being received from the solicitor is acceptable. If this is not available a solicitor’s letter or probate is acceptable providing it details the amount the applicant is to receive.
  • We do not accept a ‘builder gifted deposit’. If one exists, the valuer when inspecting the property has to factor the incentives into the valuation and we will lend based on the lower purchase price, and the customer would have to find a 5% deposit based on this lower figure from their own funds.
  • For any new build, incentives are acceptable up to 5% (HTB or standard new build), but excluding builders gifted deposit including rental guarantees.
  • Armed forces Help to Buy (HTB) scheme require the HTB approval document prior to offer and full details of the repayments must be declared as part of the application.
  • HTB require the HCA/ATP document prior to offer (details must match what has been declared on the application form, if anything has changed we will require an updated HCA/ATP document). The applicant must also provide a minimum 5% deposit from another acceptable source.
  • If the deposit is coming from a TOE, clarify the equity split.

ID Requirements

  • We cannot accept photographs of ID.
  • Must be addressed to the current address.
  • If ID has been requested and acceptable proof cannot be provided we will be unable to proceed with the application.


  • Ensure the applicant’s full legal name is declared (including middle & previous names) as this can affect the credit score.
  • Ensure the applicant’s correct date of birth is keyed.
  • Dependants must be declared on the application form.
  • If capital raising to purchase an investment property, full details of the property are required.
  • If the applicant owns any mortgage free properties, clarification may be required regarding how they have acquired the properties.
  • Photographs of supporting documentation are acceptable for all except ID.

New business tips

The requirements to classify as full packaged are:

  • 1 full months bank statement showing salary credit, general expenses and utilities with a running balance. This can be electronic but must show the applicants name
  • 3 months most recent payslips – these can be uploaded as one PDF per applicant if you prefer; for self-employed
  • Proof of deposit.

If these requirements aren't met your case can not be progressed.


  • Ensure your client’s address history is accurate — we search for 3 years of address history and if the information we find doesn’t align with what’s provided, the outcome of our final decision could be affected
  • Check the applicant’s full name is correct, including any middle or maiden names
  • Make sure the client’s basic income is noted separately to any overtime, bonus, or alternate form of income, as any changes may affect affordability
  • Provide us with an employer’s direct email address to help us speed up the process in the event a reference is required
  • If available, please provide two contact numbers at the initial application stage – this will help assist in booking a valuation if one is required
  • Make sure that the information relating to the deposit is correct— such as if it’s being paid for from the client’s savings or if the deposit amount was a gift
  • Confirm that any solicitor chosen by your client is on our list of approved solicitors, otherwise this may cause delays in processing an offer
  • Please complete your client’s bank details, in full, on the application form.

Document handling advice

  • Upload all the documents requested
  • Bank statements (electronic or otherwise) need to show salary credits and be for a full calendar month — separate statements may be necessary if using a ‘bills’ account
  • Ensure all documents are clear and legible
  • Please ensure that the signatures provided by the client on any ID documents match the signature provided on the declaration, otherwise we will request another declaration to be signed in the presence of a witness
  • Photographs of documents are acceptable (unless being used for ID purposes where we always require certified photocopies), only provided they’re clear, legible, and the whole document is visible.

General retention know-hows & advice

  • Make sure your client’s personal data is correct at the time of the application, otherwise this can lead to delays in processing the offer
  • The details required to complete the application form, including the mortgage account number, can be found either on the client’s DDM reference or on their invitation letter
  • Always double check that the term is correct, as this may indicate that a change is required and could result in a delay on the offer
  • Ensure that you’re providing your client’s correct correspondence address, as this is where your client’s copy of the agreement is sent
  • Only use the postal form if we need supporting documents to complete an affordability assessment
  • For online submissions, please print each page for your own compliance records
  • If you need to call our retention line to make an enquiry, please ensure that you have the client’s mortgage account number, full name, and post code to hand, and please allow 5 days for receipt of the client’s application before calling us (0345 070 1999, Option 5 Call charges)
  • Ensure that your client has signed and returned the offers FOA to us by the 15th of the month before maturity date — please note, we don’t send reminders of this time frame and the switch will not take place if the documents haven’t been received by then
  • We send a regulatory reminder to our customers about the maturity date around 30 days before it is due, whether a product transfer has been requested or not
  • Where your client client is in the process of completing a product transfer and wishes to make a capital reduction they are able to do so without incurring early repayment charges (ERC's) within 30 days of their product maturity date. ERC’s may be applicable for any capital reductions made outside of this window.

    We are unable to produce a mortgage offer until the capital reduction is made and the mortgage balance is reduced. In the interim, if possible please provide your client with an illustration from your third party sourcing system.

    Please ensure that the payment is sent to us as early as possible within the 30 days but no later than the 15th day of the month. This will ensure we have enough time to issue the offer and for it to be returned and processed ahead of your clients maturity date.

    We require all documents to be received by the 15th of the month before the maturity date. If documents are received after this date, the first monthly payment may be subject to our Standard Variable Rate (SVR).

    Please refer to our Product Transfer service levels Service levels | The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries

    Please be assured that for these product transfer requests the product is secured at application

    Details on how to make capital reductions are available on our website: Mortgage Overpayments and Capital Reductions | The Co-operative Bank

  • We will not backdate the mortgage account if the signed FOA is received after the 15th of the month before maturity date.